Past Exhibitions

Porous Weight

Manami Ishimura

Nalani Stolz

6.18.2022 - 8.5.2022

Correspondent Tercets/ A Miscellany of Poetic Matter

Manami Ishimura

Jesse Ring

C.S. Carrier

6.18.2022 - 8.5.2022

Three Day Weekend

Raina Belleau

5.2022 - 6.2022

Childish Minds

Michael Finch

1.28 - 3.5.2022

Poor Correspondence

Haley Prochnow & Zach Cramer

1.14 - 12.20.2021

little thing

Zoja Chmielarczyk

9.25 - 10.24.2021

Woods of the LAke

Bill Tulp

8.12 - 9.12.2021

well worn

Amber White & Jonas Lindberg

7.10 - 8.1.2021

Relocating Again

Angela St. Vrain

6.3 - 6.27.2021

Place Setting

Alana Cuellar & Guillermo Cuellar

4.17 - 4.30.2021